Retirement income
How retirement income planning can make your money work harder now and in the future.
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Update your browser!How retirement income planning can make your money work harder now and in the future.
The single most advantageous thing you can do to make your money work harder, is to exploit the huge tax advantages of current pension legislation. Quite simply, the more you ‘squirrel away’ in your pension, the less tax you pay now and in the future. In fact it should always be one of the first options we consider when making sure that your money enjoys the best tax advantages it can.
You may be at the start of your career and wondering what to do about your company’s Auto Enrolment Scheme, you may be getting married and considering how best to provide for you and your family in the future – or you may be approaching retirement and wondering about the most tax-efficient way of getting your hands on the money in your pension.
Whatever stage of your life you are at, you will benefit from our experience and expertise in this complicated pension world.
We’ll help you negotiate the maze of Self Invested Pension Plans (SIPPs), Personal Pension Plans, Stakeholder Pensions Group Personal Pensions, the State Pension itself - and every other aspect of the tangled web of pre-retirement income. Our job, as ever, will be to ensure that you are getting the best possible deal and that your money is working hard for you,
And then, of course when the time comes to enjoy the fruits of your good sense, we’ll make sure that you can enjoy your money in the most tax-efficient way possible.
Investment planning is at the heart of everything we do.
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